carolineausten 24th August 2021

Mum, tomorrow its time to say goodbye, I so wish that it wasn’t, I so wish that you were still here, If only I could have; Just one more ..... visit to see you in coast 3; I’d hold your hand and tell you that I love you, we’d watch the birds in the beautiful garden, you’d munch on ice chips, Gill and I vying for best ice feeder position, you probably tell us to “shut up”, whilst dad would be feasting on a huge bath bun and you’d definitely let us know when we’d outstayed our welcome! Just one more ..... visit to Rushfields; no doubt I’d be tempted by a pint of prawns, you the cheesy charmer and chips (which would be far too much for you to eat). Then we’d walk around the farm shop - pies for you, cheese for me!! Just one more ...... Christmas; you’d make the most delicious chestnut stuffing to accompany the huge feast you’d spent hours preparing, I’d buy you the same old treats I’ve bought for years, you’d tell me you haven’t brought any presents this year and then produce a mountain of them!! We’d all agree that spending time as a family was far more important than any present.... Just one more ..... family video call; Gill would be chopping something loudly in her echoey kitchen, you’d be on the sofa with dad (although we would probably only see the top of your heads), you get annoyed with the unicorn head or pizza face embellishments I’d implement, but you’d probably be tempted to have a go yourself!!! Just one more ...... text message before work; I’d message to wish you a good day (hoping with every bone in my body that you would), you’d say you’d try and that you loved me and I’d reply that.... I love you too Mum xxxx